025 - Couple working at home

Version 1: 15.05.2018
In this picture, I can see a couple working at home.

They are sitting at a table in front of the kitchen. I can see a counter and cupboard behind them. There are an oven and a microwave at the top. There are lots of things on the table they are working on. The working table looks pretty messy. I can see three cups and one bottle water. This is probably daytime.

The woman is on the left. She is wearing a black t-shirt and working on a laptop. She also is wearing a headset. She looks very concentrated on what she is doing. She is about her twenties. She has long dark hair with bun.

The man is sitting on the right. He is wearing a grey jumper. He has short hair and a short beard. He is working on a computer and smiling. Maybe he is chatting with someone or watching a funny movie.

There are some hinges and door locks on the table near the man. In my opinion, he is selling these kinds of stuff.


1. What else can we say about the picture?
